Friday, July 11, 2008

Chappathi Girl and Dosai Boy

Hotel Saravana Bhavan has replaced JP Sea Food Cafe as our favourite place to eat out in Chennai . Ashwin and Priya have been trying different South Indian food and seem to enjoy the Idly, Dosai, Chappathi, Coffee(Priya). The coffee at Saravana Bhavan is probably one of the best coffee  I have tasted. It comes in one size with milk and sugar ( Sugarless only by special request, no milk would require a more detailed explanation).  Priya is preparing for her play at Prize day at school. More posting on that later. 


Dora said...

Hi there!

I just looked at Priya and Ashwin's pictures. They look very cute on their uniform. I am so glad they are doing fine at school. I miss them. It is great how well they had adjusted there.

MJIF said...

Hi Prabhu, Ashwin, and Priya,

We miss you here in the 'hood! But you look great, as does the food. Ashwin, are you playing any cricket? Priya, I'll be you'll be a star in your Prize Day play. Prabhu, Leann has found a new purveyor of butter and we all thought of you as we enjoyed it.

Keep the pictures coming, they're a treat!

Mary Jo, Rick, and Michael

kids in chennai said...

Hi Dora,
This is Priya and thanks for looking at my pictures. I miss you and my friends at willowpath. I will see you soon.

xoxoxoxo from priyauyuyuyuy2003

kids in chennai said...

Thanks for the interest. We miss playing on the street. There is a lot of traffic and driving is very rash. however we play tennis in the terrace and at Ashwin's school. Hi from Ashwin and Priya

from prriyaxoooo


Pamela Lowry Valerio said...

Hi Priya, Ashwin and Prabhu! I love your blog! It is so exciting to see pictures of your adventures in India. I can't wait to see more as the year goes on. Thanks for sharing :)

Much love,
Pam Lowry

kids in chennai said...

Hey Prabhu - looks like you should have called this one "Chappathi Girl, Dosai Boy and Coffee Appa"!
Mmmmm - looks so good, cant wait to be there with you. Maybe I'll be the Vada Mama?
love you