Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wii Will Wii Will Rock You....

Once we made the decision to spend this year in India, Leann rashly promised Ashwin and Priya that we would get them a Nintendo Wii to play in India. At the time, of course, we didn't realize that Wii's are not sold here in India, and that it would have to be imported from the US. Leann brought the Wii safely to Chennai and it has certainly lived up to our expectations. Ashwin is clearly the expert in all games, although Priya excels in Wii boxing.
We recently had a minor, actually major Wii crisis when I hooked up the Wii console to a new converter (needed as power supplied in India is is 220 volts, not 110). In small letters it said on the converter "not to be used with computers ,TV " etc. But in keeping with my proud tradition of not reading instruction manuals I didn't read that, and proceeded to plug in the Wii. Needless to say, nothing worked. Ashwin was devastated. Leann looked like she wanted to string me up. Luckily I was able to track down a Wii expert here in Chennai, Mr Saravanan , the owner of a video game store called Game Shoppe. He was able to diagnose the problem (fortunately, only the adapter and power cord were fried) and to get a new power cord which rectified the problem. I have an uncomfortable feeling that this story will become part of family lore. Hope you enjoy the Wii pics.
Disclaimer: this blog is not being commercially supported by Nintendo (or anyone else, for that matter). We are working on creating interest in the product, so if anyone from Nintendo is following the blog and is interested in doing so, please let us know.


Derek H said...

Gotta love the wii action photos. Those guys at Nintendo got it right. Add a little physical activity to your gaming system and you get the best of both worlds. Hey guys don't feel bad about the "wii crisis." When I was using my converter in Cairo last month I was shocked so bad that I was attached to the wall and had to flail off onto the bed. apparently grounding some of these "between twin bed power consoles" is not of the utmost priority in Egypt. Hope all is well.

Derek, Tracie, Ella

Anonymous said...

Hi Leann,
Just caught up on the blog entries. Sounds like you guys are having a fabulous time! Loved the pics of you all bathing the elephants. We miss you here. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Any Turkey in Chennai?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys-Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving with lots of love! Jill & Bob are coming down for the day-looking forward to it. We will be thinking of each of you! Love, Pat, Jack, Mandy & Sam xoxoxo p.s.-We got a really cute pic of Phoenix-he really looks good. It must be all the tlc & Maine air. Leslee was kind enough to e-mail it to us!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys:

We just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Love the blog. I don't think our emails are getting through but we have been keeping up with your exciting activities. Take care. We miss you guys.......

jm, jac and aidan

Unknown said...

Hi, All:

We love your pictures! Should I forward your comments to friends @ Nintendo? Leann, you've got some beautiful saris and salwar kameez'. The kids are beautiful--ok, so is Prabhu--don't want to leave him out.
So interesting to read abt infrastructure challenges. You all a learning a lot. Enjoy your thanksgiving together.
Frida & fam

Anonymous said...

hi ashwin and priya this is aidan. how was your thanksgiving? did you have fun with your wii? we had 12 turkeys in our backyard.

kids in chennai said...

So good to hear from everyone -
thanks much, and a belated happy thanks giving to:

-Derek, Tracie and Ella
-Jacqui, Jeanmarie and Aiden
-Pat, Jack (Mandy and Sam too, of course)
-Frida and the Kumar clan
and everyone else who may be reading

We had a nice family dinner here in Chennai, but no turkey - biryani instead. We did have pies, however, and Ashwin and Priya made some beautiful decorations.
leann, prabhu, ashwin and priya

Murali Kailashanth said...


I am murali from Chennai.. So eagerly I got a wii from the USA but I messed up by connectign the power chord without a voltage converter and was devasted to hear a burst sound.. Finally got confirmed that only the wii power chord has burnt up and no issues with the console as such. Can you please help me with getting a new wii power chord and an extra remote as well? Or do I have to import the two from the USA? Im very eagerly awaiting your reply as I just cant hold myself anymore from gettign the wii experience.. believe me, its really depressing to see it packed up and unused since its purchase..

You can email me at


Murali Kailashanth said...

by teh way, wonderful to read your lovely time here in Chennai.. nice going :)