Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prize Day 7/22/09

Cant believe its Prize Day again. It was a year ago that Priya gave the welcome speech at the 2008 Prize Day. Ashwin and Priya had a wonderful year (and six weeks) at Jessie Moses in many ways.   The icing on the cake was Ashwin being awarded first prize in third standard in Scripture. Here are some pictures from the prize day  Fitting the occasion was a celebratory happy meal at the Annanagar Mcdonald's which is still the hip place to go in Chennai.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your scripture award, Ashwin! You'll have to tell us all about it when you come to visit in less than 2 weeks. You kids, and parents, are all looking very good. We'll start stocking up on some good old Wisconsin food: cheese, bacon, beef, etc.