Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Spherical objects

After we reached Chennai; I was a little worried when Ashwin  didn't seem interested in  throwing any ball around. That thankfully  lasted for only 2 days and since then some of his favorite activities have been playing  tennis at school, bouncing a foam ball on a table tennis bat inside the flat and tennis on our terrace.  Also he leads a group in playing catch at school( may go up to 30 boys at times).
In non sport related news , Ashwin took his monthly test in 4 subjects  last week. He scored 50/50 in all of them except for English in which he got 49/50. 


kids in chennai said...

Hey Ashwin - congratulations on doing so well on your exams! Awesome work.

I wondered when I looked at the pictures here how often you have to run down to the ground floor and pick up balls? Maybe you could put a basket on a rope - and lower it down to the watchman to fill!
love you all - Mommy

kids in chennai said...

Hey Ashwin - congratulations on doing so well on your exams! Awesome work.

I wondered when I looked at the pictures here how often you have to run down to the ground floor and pick up balls? Maybe you could put a basket on a rope - and lower it down to the watchman to fill!
love you all - Mommy

MJIF said...

Wow Ashwin! Congratulations!

Tennis looks like great fun. And at school, is your uniform red because you're the leader? It's very sharp.

I wondered how many balls went over when I saw the white wall on your terrace. It looks to be about the same height as our neighbor's cement retaining wall--but when it goes over that you just have to find it in the ivy!

Some mixed feelings in our house about the Manny trade. Michael said last night that he was taking a break from the Red Sox. We'll see how long that lasts!

Miss you all,

Mary Jo, Rick and Michael

chris, elaine, evan said...

Prabhu, Ashwin, Priya:

It is great to see your are doing so well on your adventure. Please keep posting!!!

A flock of wild turkeys visited May Street last weekend. 1 mother and 9 kids. We will post photos.

Chris, Elaine, and Evan

PS: We are not sad to see Manny go. Jason Bay hit a HR last night in the Sox 12-2 win.

kids in chennai said...

Hi MJIF , Chris, Elain and Evan,

Ashwin was happy to hear from you . Since we were not following the Manny situation closely, it was real suprise to hear that he left. Now he can join all the famous players who left Boston and didnt win any championship rings and played in empty stadiums.

VF said...

Hey Chapathi girl & Dosa boy!
it was wonderful speaking to you both tonight. Looks like you both had a lot of fun at Priya's birthday party. We wish we were there in chennai too.
Lots of love to you both,
Ajit & Vimala.

Don & Naren said...

Hi Ashwin,
Sorry to be so slow in commenting on your exams and your tennis game. You are doing a great job, buddy! I'm always proud of you. We love seeing the pictures of you and Priya and Appa -- it is also so interesting to read the commentary and learn more about this part of India. Give our love to everyone.
Nana and Grandpa